Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Vlookup Function

VLOOKUP() function is used to find a specific row in a large table of data and returns the respective column content. VLOOKUP() works by scanning the values in the left most column from top to bottom. Once it finds the content you're looking for, it can then retrieve other information from the same row.

Syntax: VLOOKUP(search_for, table_range, column_number, [range_lookup])

The first parameter, search_ for is the cell content that you're trying to find. The second parameter, table_range, is the rectangular grid of cells that contains all the data you're searching through. The third parameter is the column number from where the value is required and the last parameter range-lookup is used to search for an approximate match (specify True) or an exact match (specify False) .

Please refer to the below example, click on the below table for a better view.

1 comment:

  1. Man this is really useful good going preeji
    Also try and come up with graphs which can be updated based on a set of table values as above
